
President Nelson's Book of Mormon Invitation Reading Chart

In the Women's Session of General Conference, President Nelson issued four invitations for all the sisters. One of them was to read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year. He also invited the sisters to mark every verse that mentions or refers to the Savior. What a wonderful opportunity to learn of the Book of Mormon as Another Testament of Jesus Christ!  I am excited to begin another study of this precious book! To help us finish by the end of the year, I have put together a reading chart. You can color in the numbers to keep track of your progress. If you follow this chart, you should be able to finish a day early. And I have even given you Christmas off from reading so that you can choose your own study that day. Enjoy! Click to Download the 2018 Book of Mormon Reading Chart

Women's Session General Conference October 6, 2018

What an empowering meeting to attend! Here is a list of President Nelson's invitations to the sisters in case you missed it: 1. Go on a 10-day social media fast. (Also include all media that gives you impure thoughts.) 2. Read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year. (I'll be working on a reading chart to help with this, and I'll post the link when it's finished.) 3. Establish a pattern of regular temple attendance. (I have been attending weekly since this January, and it has changed my life!) 4. Participate fully in Relief Society. (I plan to do posts about the current purpose statement and the Relief Society Declaration, which I will post the links to when I do.) And here are my note doodles for this meeting:

Saturday Afternoon Session Oct. 6, 2018 General Conference


He calls the stars by their names


Russell M. Nelson Quotes

To get ready for conference this weekend, I have put together some quotes from the prophet. As Latter-day Saints we sustain Russell M. Nelson as the Lord's mouthpiece on the earth. What a comfort it is to have a servant of God who is able to offer guidance and direction in such a changing, uncertain world. I am thankful to know that continuing revelation is available. Download or print this here One of the things a prophet does is to point out a higher perspective. The Lord sees what we can't see. A prophet seemed to lift us up to see things as the Lord does---to see things as they really are and were and as they really will be. I'm thankful to know that my loving Heavenly Father has a greater view of me than I do of myself.  Download or print this quote here Because our Heavenly Father sees from an eternal perspective, it is not a surprise that his view of time is different than ours. He knows how to maximize time so much better than we do. As the Lord

Mothers Who Know

One of the most important talks for me that was ever given in General Conference, was Julie B. Beck's October 2007 talk,  "Mothers Who Know" . It not only eloquently highlighted some of the most precious doctrines I already believed from the 1995 document "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" , it also gave me hope that I was personally becoming a good mother. Download or print this here As a self-proclaimed hater of housework, diaper-changing, and even most cooking, I tended to feel that being motherly didn't always come easily to me. This talk was one of the things that changed my perspective on what it is to be a mother. Along with Sheri L. Dew's October 2001 talk,  "Are We Not All Mothers?" , this talk helped me see that I already had an identity as a good mother. I didn't need to be the same kind of mother as my own mother or anyone else to be good at it. It was such a comfort to me to know that my own strengths and abilitie